Thursday, July 28, 2011

Joke for Week of July 24-30

A lawyer was out duck hunting. He shot a duck that landed in a farmer’s field. Just as he was climbing the fence to retrieve it, the farmer drove up on his tractor and asked what he was doing. The lawyer explained that he shot a duck and wanted to pick it up. The farmer told him that the duck was on his property and he would not let him have the duck.

Thinking he could scare the farmer, the hunter told of his profession and threatened to sue the farmer for the duck. The farmer explained that in his neck of the woods things were settled with the three kick rule. After the lawyer inquired what that meant, the farmer explained that he would kick the lawyer three times, the lawyer could then kick him three times and they would alternate kicking until one of them gave up.

Thinking he could take the farmer the lawyer agreed to the terms. First the farmer kicked the lawyer in the stomach so hard it made him bend over in pain. He then kicked him in the rump causing him to fall to the ground. Finally he kicked him in the face and broke his nose.

He was in bad shape but stood to take his turn. Imagine his surprise when the farmer said, “I give up, you can have the duck.”

Saturday, July 23, 2011

New Merchandise

I have mentioned in previous blogs that I rely on information from my nephews when selecting hunting knives to add to our selection. My county officer nephew has been asking if I can get Emerson brand knives. I have found four. This week's addition is the Emerson Hd-7 pictured here. It has a 3.25" black teflon coated plain edge. The blade is made of 154 cm stainless steel. It sports a 4.7" handle that has .125 Titanium on one side and black g-10 on the other. The Emerson logo is imprinted on the knife. I would like some feedback about these knives before adding the other three. Find out more about this knife and our other knives on our website.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Internet Hunting

I do not hunt myself, but my husband and nephews are be quite serious in their love of hunting. I learned about something yesterday that blew my mind. Did you know that there is such thing as internet hunting? You can log on to a website and shoot an animal from your computer, using a rifle connected to a computer and webcam.

Several states have passed legislation to ban this practice. There is congressional action introduced to prohibit internet hunting. Those who support the legislation feel that it is unfair and unethical. Opponents believe that this practice allows disabled people to participate. What do you think?

Comment, then log on to our website. At the bottom of the homepage click on E-mail preference to enter a drawing for a knife of your choice to be given away in December. Your address will only be used to contact you if your name is drawn.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Knife Hunting

When I think of hunting knives, I think of accessories to use while hunting. True hunters want a balance between a hunter's ability to kill prey and the prey's ability to escape.

Modern technology, such as telescopic lenses, make the balance lean more in favor of the hunter. Knife hunting was used centuries before guns and crossbows were invented. It requires quick reflexes and hand coordination to hunt with a knife. There are more and more hunters taking up this approach to shift the fair chase back to 50-50.

Why not have a look at some of the knives on our website?

Ms. Knife

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Joke for Week of July 10-16

One day, late in the afternoon, a man was returning from a hunting trip. It was raining. As luck would have it, he had a flat tire right outside a monastery. One of the monks came out to lend a hand. He invited the hunter to dinner. The hungry hunter gladly took him up on the offer.

The cuisine that evening was fish and chips and they were wonderful. Wanting to compliment the cook on the delicious meal, the hunter asked, “Are you the fish fryer?” The cook smiled and said, “No, I am the chip monk.”